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1. Spectrum Analyzer: A spectrum analyzer is a device used to examine the spectral composition of signals. It can be used to measure the power of the spectrum of known and unknown signals.

2. Signal Generator: A signal generator is a device that creates electronic signals for testing, designing, and troubleshooting electronic devices.

3. Network Analyzer: A network analyzer is a device used to analyze the properties of electrical networks, such as impedance, reflection coefficient, and transmission coefficient.

4. Protocol Analyzer: A protocol analyzer is a tool used for monitoring and analyzing the messages that pass between devices in a network.

5. RF Power Meter: An RF power meter is a device used to measure the power in a radio frequency signal.

6. Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT): A bit error rate tester is a device used to test the quality of a digital transmission system by generating test patterns and comparing the received patterns.

7. Vector Network Analyzer: A vector network analyzer is a device used to measure the voltage and current gain of a device under test as a function of frequency.

8. Optical Spectrum Analyzer: An optical spectrum analyzer is a device used to measure the optical power distribution of an optical device.

9. Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: A handheld spectrum analyzer is a portable device used for on-site signal analysis and measurement.

10. Logic Analyzer: A logic analyzer is a device used to capture and display multiple signals from a digital system or circuit.

11. Cable and Antenna Analyzer: A cable and antenna analyzer is a device used to characterize and locate faults in coaxial cables and antennas.

12. Vector Signal Analyzer: A vector signal analyzer is a device used to analyze the modulation quality of digital communication signals.

13. Radiation Meter: A radiation meter is a device used to measure the intensity of ionizing radiation in a particular environment.

14. Spectrum Monitoring System: A spectrum monitoring system is a network of devices used for continuous monitoring of the electromagnetic spectrum.

15. Network Performance Analyzer: A network performance analyzer is a device used to monitor and analyze the performance of a network in real-time.

16. Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer: A Bluetooth protocol analyzer is a device used to analyze Bluetooth communication protocols between devices.

17. Handheld Signal Analyzer: A handheld signal analyzer is a portable device used for analyzing and measuring electronic signals on the go.

18. Wi-Fi Spectrum Analyzer: A Wi-Fi spectrum analyzer is a device used to analyze and troubleshoot wireless networks operating on the Wi-Fi spectrum.

19. Handheld Network Analyzer: A handheld network analyzer is a portable device used for testing and troubleshooting network connections.

20. Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR): A time domain reflectometer is a device used to characterize and locate faults in transmission lines and cables.

21. Portable Oscilloscope: A portable oscilloscope is a handheld device used for visualizing and measuring electronic signals in real time.

22. Wireless Protocol Analyzer: A wireless protocol analyzer is a device used to analyze and troubleshoot wireless communication protocols.

23. EMI Test Receiver: An electromagnetic interference (EMI) test receiver is a device used to measure and analyze electromagnetic interference in electronic devices.

24. Near-Field Communication (NFC) Analyzer: A near-field communication analyzer is a device used to analyze and test NFC communication between devices.

25. InfraRed Thermometer: An infrared thermometer is a device used to measure the temperature of an object by detecting its infrared energy.

26. Radio Frequency Counter: A radio frequency counter is a device used to measure the frequency of radio signals in a circuit.

27. Antenna Analyzer: An antenna analyzer is a device used to test and analyze the performance of antennas.

28. LAN Cable Tester: A LAN cable tester is a device used to test and troubleshoot the connectivity of LAN cables.

29. Raman Spectrometer: A Raman spectrometer is a device used to analyze the vibrational and rotational modes of molecules in a sample.

30. Digital Multimeter: A digital multimeter is a device used to measure voltage, current, and resistance in electronic circuits.



